Welcome to Zipei’s personal page.


  — 陶渊明《归去来兮辞》                            

About me

I am Zipei (Fred) Geng (IPA Pronunciation: tsz: pʰeɪ kəŋ), a new PhD student at KAUST (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology) under the supervision of distinguished professor Marc G. Genton. Before coming to KAUST, I received my MS degree in Statistics from ETH Zürich under supervision of Prof. Peter Bühlmann, BS degree in Mathematics and Statistics from University of Manchester under supervision of Dr. Ronnie Loeffen and BS degree in Statistics from Shandong University. For detailed resume, please visit the CV page.

I am interested in statistical learning theory, high-dimensional statistics and its application areas incl. but not limited to epidemiology, spatio-temporal statistics and machine learning.


  • 2022/05: Graduated from ETH Zürich and chose to go to the KAUST to start a new research trip.
  • 2022/03: Built a Github repo to collect fundamental mathematics lecture notes taught by ETH Zürich and University of Cambridge. LINK
  • 2022/02: Received several PhD offers from the institutions, currently unsure about which place to go.



Other interests & Hobbies

Alongside my academic interests, some of my other interests and hobbies are: